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    International Business

    The BDD team of BEACON held Annual Conference in Bali, Indonesia

    annual conference

    annual conference images
    The Annual conference of Business Development Department of BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited (BPL) was held in Bali, Indonesia on 31st December, 2016

    The conference theme was “Caring Globally”. In the opening speech the Managing Director of BEACON, Md. Ebadul Karim advised BDD members to work hard to make BEACON’s product available to global patients specially who cannot afford the costly branded products.

    Team conference

    annual conference

    Mr. A.K.M Anawarul Hoq, Director, Marketing, Mr. Giash Uddin Ahmed, EVP, F & A ,Mr. Anisur Rahman Khan, VP, HR & Admin were present on this occasion.

    Followed by inspirational speech from Mr. Monjurul Alam, Senior Vice President of BDD. The conference was ended up with the planning and directivities for 2017.

    The Managing Director has given special awards to the best performers of BDD team for their outstanding performance.

    By beaconph| January 23, 2017 |International Business |Comments Off

    About the Author: admin

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